What is Travel Insurance?

What is Travel Insurance?

Travel Insurance is designed to protect your health, belongings, and your financial investment in your trip. It provides peace of mind for you and your family while on your vacation.

If you are travelling abroad, be it on business or pleasure it is a good idea to consider taking out travel insurance. Whilst it is not compulsory, most travel companies and tour operators usually insist on some form of insurance as a stipulation of their holiday product.

Travel insurance is an insurance product specifically designed to cover you when travelling abroad. We all think about the small things when considering whether to purchase travel insurance, such as loss of money or having luggage stolen. However there are many other factors to consider such as illness & accidents which can also be covered by travel insurance.

Travel insurance is designed to protect and cover against the possible risks you may encounter when travelling abroad. It is of crucial importance if you are travelling abroad, especially if you are likely to pay for any medical expenses that may arise. Other risks include the loss or theft of possessions, the cost of cancellations or claims made against you.

Travel insurance is designed to reimburse non-refundable trip deposits and payments, medical expenses, provide for emergency evacuation or repatriation, cover your personal belongings, baggage and travel delays.

The main reason you need travel insurance is that when you travel to different countries the healthcare services, among other things, can be very different. Sometimes you never know what to expect when you travel abroad, and depending on the particular country, services offered can vary greatly. You have to be prepared to handle any situation that might arise. If you happen to be hurt or become ill in a country that has expensive health care you could find yourself with a bill you did not expect and probably cannot afford to pay. If you are in this kind of trouble travel insurance fits the bill and ensures that you receive the treatment you need.

Travel insurance can cover the following expenses:

Non refundable fees & lost deposits due to cancellation of your trip

Worldwide sickness or accident medical expenses

Travel and Baggage Delays

Damage to or loss of luggage and personal belongings

Loss of Travel Documents

Additional expenses caused by health problems

Accidental Death & Dismemberment

Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation

24 hour Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services

As in all insurance market places, there are many different providers of travel insurance. Type of cover and options will vary according to the company and policy. There are different types of travel insurance policies which in the main can be annual policies or single trip policies. There also different levels of cover available where different activities such as skiing are covered. There are also regional differences such as Worldwide or European cover.

When choosing a travel insurance policy you will need to make a judgement between the level of coverage you require and the cost of the policy. Make sure your policy covers most of the following: Personal Belongings & Money, Personal Accident, Medical Expenses, Personal Liability and Legal Expenses.

But remember like all other forms of insurance look around and check out the options as you can save yourself a great deal of money.

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What To Look For In Credit Card Travel Rewards

What To Look For In Credit Card Travel Rewards

With the use of credit cards becoming mainstream, credit card companies are looking for ways to make their card stand out in the crowd. They want to entice customers to chose their card over someone else's by offering customers the chance to earn rewards for what they spend. A popular reward is for travel. Most travel rewards center around air travel, but there are many different types of air travel rewards.

Travel rewards usually work on the basis of earning points or miles from the purchases you make on your credit card. Some rewards work towards discounts off air travel, while others offer a chance to earn free airline tickets. Other rewards that may be offered are car rental discounts and hotel discounts. Some of these travel rewards can also be used for non-travel related rewards like at restaurants or shopping centers. Using a credit card with travel rewards gives you an opportunity to earn something while making purchases with credit card. You do not have to do anything else, except use the credit card when you make purchases. The idea is to offer customers something that will encourage the use of their credit card.

There are many different types of travel rewards with many different things to consider. Cards that offer frequent flier miles are often considered to be the best reward cards available. The earnings are much higher than with other types of rewards. It is very important with rewards cards to understand how you much you earn. The conversion rates vary from card to card. One card may offer you a reward worth 2 cents on each dollar you spend, while another card only offers ½ a cent per dollar you spend. To get the maximum benefit always know how the reward system works. Some travel reward cards also have limits. Some expire if not used in a certain time period and some have no expiration. Some cards also limit where the rewards can be used while others do not. There are also limits on the amount of rewards you can earn. It is very important to check out how the program works and all of the limits or uses.

Travel rewards credit cards give back to the consumer. Instead of burying yourself in debt you can actually find a practical reason to use credit cards. You earn something that you will use. You end up saving a little money while you spend. It is important to shop around for these types of cards, though. Cards range in what they offer from air miles to hotel stays. They vary from airline sponsored cards to a standard credit card, but they offer you something for using them.

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