Green Üzümlü Beldesi, 18 km away from Fethiye center, high in the foothills of the mountains. Four feature celebrity: Dry climate, as well as the ancient Kadyanda per city, the British population and the wealth of the deep forest ... The richness of the most important items have been sent to Japan to France, wild mushrooms, orchids spellbinder nature of the observer. Previous week 1st Mushroom Festival in the town Göbeği lamb mushroom and orchid season is up to the end of May. April 23 holiday falls on your way to Fethiye, Stop. Get your share of nature's bounty.
Computer starts to sit on the internet with the help of Google Earth from 15 thousand feet high when you look at some snow, surrounded by barren hills are as green spot on a dish. Green Üzümlü, behind all the majesty of Fethiye, the rising two thousand meters, Play, Yeşilgöl, Beads in the foothills of the mountains, 600 meters high from sea level to a plateau was established. Satellite images of forests surrounding the growing, ties become evident. The new site was established in the District of coast line, clearly seems to have created.
Green Üzümlü when you step on the street corner and at the beginning of each encounter with a little surprise: The Garden of fancy almond trees, with wooden window shutter, a small, modest, single-storey stone village house on the wall in almost every one of Mustafa Kemal portrait large flags suspended. Progress in the narrow stone streets, the abandoned, half-destroyed houses from the one on your face, jeep parked in the courtyard paving stones have been furnished, with wood shed, stone buildings are reminiscent of the Italian village. Each thoughtful piece, made of wood craftsmanship. Grave stone walls, old doors and one small range of shutter release, and other items not available from a wooden stool to understand what that is shed for a few laps around this is to. Off before entering the cult follower of the structures associated with the seclusion room, neighborhood of the mosque. Look at the door with a padlock on a marble tablet is open every morning and night is closing. Just below the hill of the rock tombs of almond orchards are a part parcel of land, trees have been cut; columns, pool, spiral peel Merdivenli White House had two places to the villa.
Villas, houses have been restored, the environment of the site owners, the British. Most important part of retirement and years are spent here. Fugitive of the ground floor and bought covered, until the settlement will have to adapt to the environment. Pansiyonculuk do, and the center of the small town cafes, wine comes to the house and a house, hold-distance relationship with indigenous peoples.
2500 years on the road in the Lycian city Kadyanda'ya to meet another surprise guest. Placed to the left of the remains date from the Seljuk minaret of a mosque destroyed. Qaeda has placed four hoperlör. To make new mosque at the center, but still open to worship. Was destroyed by the earthquake, were sacked for centuries, until reaching the ruins of London British Museum'a human nature and the cruel for the Kadyanda obstinately to resist. Ancient theater, jogging path and partially standing sarcophagus tombs.
800 YEARS migration did not
Green Üzümlü, except for hundreds of years of marriage, migration is not uncommon locations. Without changing the structure of the population since Selçuklu here. 10 years ago to the British stage of the transformation was quick to discover. 400 from 1000 households in towns with population of 2800 British, 30 Germans, the rest from other countries.
Tütüncülük years, viticulture, animal husbandry of the local people, now gives the revenue from property sales. Land prices have reached astronomical figures. Despite this vineyard is ongoing. Total found 300 acres of vineyards growing pine shirred Sofralık the famous tergömlek grapes in all regions. Kalecik land of wine, the Cabernet Sauvignon is being processed in the home workshop. Annual wine production of 30 tons found in the holiday village is being sold. From grape juice and syrup, dried fruit pulp, walnut sausage is similar to making candy. Reduce the number of looms in the house is still in the veil "dastar" s are touching.
Last year, a cement factory is planned to make to the region, with the participation of British towns in the formation of a strong civil society movements have to. Among the 30 thousand TL collect a number of open cases, the public demonstrations organized to fight this month were pointing to a victory. Administrative Court, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry cancel the EIA report was positive. Civil society movement in the boutique wine region of now, pansiyonculuk the effort is for the development of mantarcılık.
AVCI define as
Pine forests in the surrounding environment is revived in February. Such as the delicious lamb belly appears many wild mushrooms. Muğla University Assoc. Dr. According to the research now complete Halil Solak's Mediterranean coastline in the province has 364 species cultivated and wild mushrooms. The 50 percent is eaten. Some of them deadly, and some effect in a long time emerging dangerous species. Green Üzümlü, the most productive areas in the region. In spring and autumn çintar, morel, et melkisi, felt, cork grandfather, the cat ears, a high economic value, such as blue Cincile villagers collect mushrooms are significant revenue. Efficient in last season, some villagers were said fungus can accumulate enough money from the tractor will. The village was established on Friday in the market lamb sold to TL 30 weight belly, France and Italy 's or when the price is three fold. Rare and the average is 20 USD from exports are sold in Japan matsutaki solid 15 to find buyers in the price.
The surrounding forests of the Green Üzümlü a paradise for botanical enthusiasts. Starting with the Feast of the snowdrops in flower in February, April, such as the iris is in the mountain flowers. These different types of orchids during periods when opening 300 is followed. Many of these flowers are endemic and protected species. Lycian salamander reptile like the eagles, hawks, woodpecker and a large number of songbird, the wolf, fox, wild boar as possible to observe the animals in the forest.
28 years ago, the Green Üzümlü edit the first wine festival, this attempt fails, the festival activities were suspended. Last year, in a village in the period in discussion about poisonous mushrooms, Yenimahalle Muhtar Fork of the Solomon, to speak on television mikolog Jilber Barutçiyan'ın met. The villagers come together and invited Barutçiyan'ı. After training at the village coffee, Forestry Operations Manager Reşat Önder Tunç and Mayor Young was decided to organize the support of the festival. In the market between April 10-13 festival, seminars, panels, workshops, mushroom hunting and find the biggest mushroom contest, photo exhibitions, demonstrations were held diya. Jilber Barutçiyan amateur mantarcılık, Muğla University Assoc. Dr. Hakan Allı Poisonings, Prof.. Dr. Economic value of wild mushrooms on Mustafa Işıloğlu spoke. Orhan Çelen, the Lycian civilization, Dr. Mustafa told Temimhan boutique wine. Concerts were given. In the meantime, the mushroom soup and mushrooms guests were offered food. Foreigners living in the area creates "FIG" stand to market by opening a support group gave. Activities to follow Turkey's came around the mushroom enthusiasts. Majority Google "mushroom lovers" were the group's members. Activities during the vintage wine and mushroom festival is scheduled to be back by the expansion.
Fethiye nature-friendly with Ali İhsan Emre (52) but the mathematics teacher. For many years, worked at the MTA, the map was prepared. Kayaköy'de lives, nature-friendly guide to doing volunteer. Play a different route, then each market group, the nature of the environment, crops, animals, history is about. 40 separate route of the walk free. Go to the access point for public transport is not only transport costs are paid. (www.fethiyedoga.org)
WHERE esculent
In the region from a variety of fresh mushrooms are cooking. A portion of mushrooms are dry. When milk is used needs to be invested. Green Üzümlü your path to the falls, the stop occurred close to the nobles Pide Salon. Hüseyin Soylu, with its own delicious mushrooms collected belly lamb pide and pizza is prepared. Land and produced Cabernet Kalecik sauvignon'dan can taste local wine for Şarapevi'nde. Fethiye, the new road above Üzümlü Av House, the region's most ambitious restaurant.
District in England in the British web site on the pool villa, per week 800 - 1500 TL is the rent. This year, the promotion of projects Municipality pansiyonculuk initiated. Village houses were restored, will be converted into hostels. Patterns in Fethiye, at the beginning of time by minibuses departing from the old bus station, 20 minutes to reach the green Üzümlü. District's only boutique hotel, 5 km outside of the center, in the area of forest in the Dikencik. Dikencik Houses, two stone building is a total of eight rooms. (www.yesiluzumlu.com)