Travel to Nine million years ago,

For nine million years ago in Muğla of the rich fossil beds where Özlüce Excavation Area, is being converted into open-air museum. Park will open to visitors for two months after Turolian. Giraffes, horses, pigs, elephants, rhinoceros and hyena will take place in the museum of fossils, the path will be in roads and navigational hills. Studies anthropologist Prof. runs. Dr. Berna ALPAGUT, traveling in the park acentelerinea call to the tour program to be asked.
Village of Mugla Özlüce Tepesi near beetle in 1993 to a fire pit of a shepherd who found the fossil. Then converted to the excavation area in the instructions of the period starting with the Governor Lale Aytaman'ın studies are in progress. Nine million years ago, the rich fossil beds in the period, which Turolian Özlüce Excavation Area in Muğla Museum Directorate and the responsibility of Ankara University Faculty of History and Geography Languages Anthropology Department Faculty Member Prof. anthropologists. Dr. Rescue work carried out in the presidential ALPAGUT Berna, surface analysis as a result of seven thousand square meters was found in three different fossil bed. Excavation in zürafagiller, boynuzlugiller, gergedangiller, hortumlu mammals, domuzgiller, atgiller and plant fossils in a large number of fossils belonging to etçi days to light have been removed.
Fosiller created in Muğla Museum "Dr. Lale Aytaman Natural History Seksiyonu "began to be exhibited in the hall. Also on the first day of last year with initiatives in the region of Muğla Governorship to establish open-air museum
was decided.
Exchange can be monitored
Muğla University, Ankara and Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, University of Muğla Museum of responsibilities carried out cooperation projects in the Special Provincial Administration and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has also supported. Park's first phase last year Turolian was completed in the month of November. Excavations in the area of the trail was created roads, the course was held hills. Visitors without damage fossil excavation work was also intended to testify. However, environmental regulations could not be completed because of heavy rain. Until June, the completion of environmental regulations, the park is surrounded by wire netting and fossil case reflects the live models are scheduled to be placed.
HARDNESS of the ROCK was fosilleri PROTECT
Studies Prof. conduct. Dr. ALPAGUT, the first of the fossils preserved in the hard structures that can reach up to today without any corruption, he said. They are on a special container with matter in the exhibition halls were created in the Muğla Museum said: "Visitors to the area in the interests of fossil wants to visit. Turolian Park, an important eco-tourism project. Tourists coming to see our natural heritage and civilization will have made an open-air museum. Find the elephant, rhino, giraffe, hyena, at and vertebrate animal species such as pigs us Muğla region 8 - 10 million years ago, our hot day, a rainy climate, forested areas and pastures have large show. "Prof. Dr. ALPAGUT, fosil model they're looking for sponsors, he said.
Work under, are discarded Özlüce Primary School was transferred to house excavation crew. Cultural tourism to the park to gain speed, is expected to attract tens of thousands of tourists to the region.
Muğla Museum Director Bardakçı Archaeologists Şevki the city's new findings contribute to a rich historical and cultural value said: "Wall of text, the Roman period, Byzantine period, until the Ottomans are a rich geography. Fossil deposits millions of years ago, here is a region important for live shows. Turolian the day of our 5 - 9 million years ago in the East Asia-wide in an area extending from Spain to live and gone to live with a period. Where name is the first fossil Turuel in Spain have received from the Basin. Open-air museum where we have put the name of Turolian Park. The project's first phase was completed successfully. Work is fast. "
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