Love and the gladiators of the city: Stratonikeia
Promotional activities, which incidentally in District 6 in the coal basin and the ancient city of gladiator statue describes the establishment of the tables will be used.
Yatağan Governor Şehmuz Morning,''in this ancient city has a love story. B This love story about the pictures have different periods. These pictures tell the story of a city institution. We have done research in the world of this picture is found in various museums. Tell the story of the ancient city of Stratonikeia copy of the table, asked us for about 2 million dollars. We were unable to enter into the bottom of this cost. Our teachers who work in our District pictures is similar to one of this table and this table is the sign that makes light presentation and were perpendicular to the entrance of the ancient city''he said.
Love and Death on the''Gladiator''and the words Welcome to the city where Stratonikeia'ya sign perpendicular to the entrance of the ancient city is very serious in terms of distance and then be pointed out that the presentation that morning, the following was stated:
Short time, the city has experienced an increase in the number of visitors. Of course, we're essentially waiting for summer growth. Because this is an important ancient city. This is one of the world's largest marble city. Completely made of marble. B This is approximately 150 - 200 thousand people live theater with the 20 thousand people, with the council, an ancient city with many magnificent entrance gate. '' With the start of tourism season, a visitor to a concentration of ancient city to life are waiting for the traffic.''
Gunaydin, especially in France, an event known to the ancient cities of the organization claiming to be the story, the said:
The establishment of this city in France with''the story is about the pictures. In 1671, a painting competition in France in the first place that the picture we have also identified. Other than that, still in France, Germany and Hungary's Budapest city of Kasel Museum that image is too big a picture is about 24 square meters. Moreover, common points of the pictures tells the story of Stratonikeia to be the foundation of the city. All the same stage of illness, the scene of the king's son explained.These pictures show it. Europe 200-300 years ago, a city now known in the city.
Also, according to historians, Stratonikeia'da the 'gladiator school' period, one of the largest schools and trained many of the famous gladiator. In the past year has been found in the region gladiator sculptures. These were found to be 6 for the gladiators. Here, we show the existence of a gladiator school to tell the story of the establishment of the city where signs of the picture we put pictures of the gladiators. '' In this way, 'and love the city and the city of gladiators' highlighted here by the local and foreign tourists are trying to attract.''
Gladiator HALL
Muğla 3 years ago in the museum drop-Turkey 's first day until the gladiator room visits were about 40 thousand people. Muğla's Yatağan District 9 years ago for a business in the coal basin, coal extraction during the work, which by coincidence between the movie''Troy''is the subject Akhilleus'un is the gladiator's grave 7 Stele (was erected, the height of a long single piece of stone work ) are exhibited in a special room.
On the wall of the exhibition hall stellerinin Gladiator, it is photographs showing the war period. 7 out of gladiatorial warriors stelinden which is 6. At the museum, made famous in Roman times Khrysos, Vitalius, Khrysopteros, Amarios, Eumolos, Droseros and learning are exhibited Akhilleus was named stellerinin tombs of warriors.
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